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Sustaining the Ego


Brian Wheeller, Sustaining the Ego.  Brian Wheeller has specifically explained his thoughts, doubts and interprets other people's ideas about tourism industry in his article. His article was not only based on tangible ideas, he also concentrated on abstract thoughts and assumptions. Thus, as a first impression, his article seemed very complicated, however, his article was not that blurred as people thought. It is possible to learn numerous things from his article but it was not very easy to accept "the forthcoming end of tourism" or "sustainable tourism" and decide what is going with the industry. Thanks to Brian Wheeller, sustainability, holistic approach to tourism, concepts of tourism, common goals of working class on people and consumerism will be highlighted.

 First of all, the thought of absenteeism of holistic approach in tourism is quite agreeable. It is very clear that people have started to ignore holistic approach and started to concentrate on specific purposes and benefits like growth. For example, people do not think about disasters after they use resources carelessly; they just want to get benefit out of it. But of course, is very obvious that these temporary benefits will not provide sustainable tourism. Beyond all question, tourism should be considered altogether, with it different sides and consequences. At this point, it is necessary to create harmony and common points among people about the sustainability of tourism so that tourism will not get damaged. Cohesion of targets among people is very important because it is known that "One swallow doesn't make a summer" (Brian Wheeller, Sustaining the Ego, pg: 307). For example, just a few company's carefulness about tourism industry that most probably carries the target of easing the conscience will not work and be enough to save the resources and nature. Because today, people devour every resources and do not care whether these resources will have an end or not.

 There are obviously main goals of all employees especially in tourism: To persuade people to buy the product. It is very disappointing that people become that capitalist and do not care “who we are” and “what we want to” since the purpose of maximizing benefits. On the other hand, there are common elements of tourism such as communication, transport and “trimmings"(Brian Wheeller, Sustaining the Ego, pg: 302). However, in our day and age, this list can become crowded when the big goal of maximizing profits is considered. Some of these elements are really dangerous for nature. Transport is continuously harming our environment with it negative effects. When a tourist uses airways or travels by his/her own car, one way or another, s/he gives damage to our world. It can be very surprising that tourists who travel by their own cars give damage to nature more than other people using airways. However, those traveling with their own cars consider themselves as travelers because they usually travel everywhere independently and do not prefer hotels to stay. Taking these into consideration, it can be said say that people cannot stop the negative consequences of transport since it is not possible to travel with eco-friendly animals today. Moreover, they cannot imagine that transport may give damage to environment.

 In today's world, it is a common thing to see a tourism or tourist image that triggers people"s needs to travel. Moreover, sometimes people cannot remember whose advertisement was that since they fill their advertisements with impressive holiday or travel images. At that point, it can be said that almost all of industries have close relationships with tourism and use it as a tool for earning more. However, these advertisements manipulate the desires and play an important role on people"s decides. If so, it cannot be said that “we are real travelers” since people just enjoy the "happy" side of tourism. On the other hand, with the help of advertisements, tourism movements has become more socially acceptable, moreover, it has started to be considered as a "must". Thus, in the following years, not traveling will be seen as a problem or a deficiency since touristic events will be a far-flung trend among people.

 As an important tourism destination, here, people have resources, natural beauties, and wonderful beaches and so on. However, people succumb to their egos and still try to sustain them. At this point, it should be said that how people sustain their egos is just by consuming everything. People do not think the consequences of their actions, lives of other species, even their children's lives. They do not care about compensating for loss or damage that given to the world. As a living person in the world, some people have difficulties while accepting the idea of forthcoming deficiencies of resources. However, people cannot totally compensate their damages which are given to the world but it may be possible to stop them. Now, people say "Action, action, action!"(Krippendorf, 1992) to save the world but isn't it a bit late to?

In my opinion, we, as a society, had better learn to take an action before worth coming possibility of diseases. But unfortunately, we act like "the cuckoo"(Brian Wheeller, Sustaining the Ego, pg: 306) that devours everything and does not work to produce. It is a big shame to us that we cannot do sustainable tourism since we act very relax and careless although we have limited resources. And it is a big conflict: we have limited resources but unlimited desires. Thus, it will be inevitable from shortage of lots of things in tourism.

 All in all, I totally agree with Wheeller that 4S should not be Sun, Sand, Sea and Sex anymore. As he said, Sensible, Sensitive, Sophisticated and Sustainable tourism or 4I which are Intelligent, Inquisitive, Independent and Idealistic should be valid for the concept of tourism (Brian Wheeller, Sustaining the Ego, pg: 301). Because 4S bring temporary benefits and satisfy people's egos in short term. People should be more careful, prudent, aware and caring in society and approaching the issues logically. Even it is not possible to compensate the loss in tourism totally, people should stop harming the industry and make some move at least for the sake of their children's lives...

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