The International Istanbul Biennial is a contemporary art exhibition, held every two years in Istanbul, Turkey, since 1987. The biennial is organised by the İstanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts. The 13th Istanbul Biennial is set for the autumn of 2013, under the curatorship of Fulya Erdemci. Fulya Erdemci, who is currently Director of SKOR  Foundation For Art and Public Domain in Amsterdam, will curate the 13th Istanbul Biennial in 2013.

Turkey and Netherlands are celebrating 400 years of relations. Fulya Erdemci is a curator and writer based in Istanbul and Amsterdam. Erdemci was curator of the 2011 Pavilion of Turkey at the 54th International Art Exhibition, Venice Biennale. Since 2008 she has been Director of SKOR (Stichting Kunst en Openbare Ruimte) Foundation For Art and Public Domain in Amsterdam. Her projects at SKOR include: "Morality Wall: Between You and I", four facade projects in collaboration with Witte de With, Rotterdam, 2010; "Actors, Agents and Attendants", international research, symposium and publication series, the first edition, "Speculations on the Cultural Organisation of Civility" was co-curated with Andrea Philips and Markus Miessen in 2010, and the second edition "Social Housing-Housing the Social" (Amsterdam 2011) with Andrea Philips.

Do you like biennials ?Did  you have a  Biennial experience?  I "m really looking forward to see İstanbul Biennial. Let's rethink what a contemporary biennial can be.