IDE, ABD'li outgoing seyahat acentalarının Türkiye ve çevre ülkelere yönelik satışlarını arttırmak amacıyla bilgi sağlamayı ve yerli şirketlerle işbirliği geliştirmelerini hedefleyen tek fuardır.

Amerikan Seyahat Acentaları Birliği'nin (ASTA) T.C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı himayesinde ve TÜRSAB ve THY desteğiyle19–22 Nisan 2010 tarihleri arasında İstanbul'da düzenleyeceği International Destination Expo (IDE) Türk Turizm profesyonellerine kaçırılmayacak bir fırsat sunuyor.

ABD'li seyahat Acentaları bu fuara sizlerle tanışmak, pazarladığınız ürünleri ve destinasyonu tanımak için geliyor. Amerikalı turizm profesyonelleri, IDE süresince edinecekleri donanım ve ilişkiler sayesinde alanlarında uzmanlaşarak ASTA tarafından “Destination Specialist” belgesiyle onurlandırılacaktır.

International Destination Expo, kapsamlı programıyla fuar, iş görüşmeleri, eğitim seminerleri ve networking organizasyonlarını bir araya getirmektedir. 1 katılımcıya ortalama 5 acentacının düştüğü bu organizasyon, birebir temaslar kurmak ve şirketinizin ABD'deki bilinirliği arttırmak için ideal ortamı sunmaktadır.

Her yıl farklı bir ülkede düzenlenen IDE fuarının tekrar İstanbul'a gelmesini beklemeden şirketinize bir stand kiralayarak ABD pazarında bir adım öne geçebilirsiniz.

Stand kiralayan Türk katılımcılar için özel avantajlar!!
1- İndirimli stand fiyatı: $ 1760.- yerine $ 1420.-

2- ASTA üyesi ABD'li acentaların detaylı listesi.

3- Katılımcının gönderdiği HTML'nin ASTA tarafından e-mail veritabanındaki acentalara iletilmesi.

4- Fuara özel indirimli ASTA üyeliği ($429.- yerine $ 250.-)

Program of Events
Two-days exploring a province and four-days of education and networking. You can add another two-day province package to extend your experience to 8 amazing days Before the International Destination Expo in Istanbul, enjoy the many Pre-Tours being offered.

Monday, April 19
1pm – 5pm
Sightseeing Tours

Hosted Casual Evening

Tuesday, April 20
8:30am – 10:30am
Certification Sessions

Turkey, the Cradle of Civilization: A Walk Through 10,000 Years of History - Brought to you by the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism - Claudette Covey
A Turkish Culinary Adventure: History, Ingredients, & Tastes of Turkey's Exotic Cuisine - Brought to you by Tour de Forks - Engin Akin
The Seven Things You Must Know About Mediterranean Cruising - Marc Mancini

10:45am – 12:45pm
Certification Sessions

Turkey, the Cradle of Civilization: A Walk Through 10,000 Years of History - Brought to you by the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism - Claudette Covey
Treasures of Southern Europe - Brought to you by The Travel Institute - Anna Fesmire, CTC, DS
The Seven Things You Must Know About Mediterranean Cruising - Marc Mancini
Discover How to Build a Thriving Faith-based Travel Program Centered on the World's Top Religious Sites in the Middle East and Holy Land - Moderator: Kevin J. Wright

1:00pm – 2:00pm

2:15pm – 5:15pm
Trade Show

Opening Night Gala
Brought to you by the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism
Location: Binbirdirek Cistern
Come and enjoy a sit-down dinner in the second-largest covered Byzantine cistern in Istanbul. This 1,700 year-old structure is impressive with 212 large stone columns throughout the venue. Dine on delicious food and enjoy local entertainment as we kick off the 2010 International Destination Expo in this ancient structure, which once served as a water collection facility, and embodies Istanbul's rich history.

Wednesday, April 21

8:30am – 9:15am
Product Seminars

Turkey, Europe's unknown pilgrimage destination - Brought to you by Ya'lla Tours USA - Ronen Paldi (session runs until 10am)
Turkey and beyond Customized groups and FITs - Brought to you by Key Tours - Koray Edemen
Turkey for your Best Clients: Creating the Perfect Custom Itinerary - Brought to you by CTC Turkey - Mary Bai

9:30am – 10:15am
Product Seminars

Understanding and Selling Turkey, A Fascinating Growth Destination - Brought to you by Turkey At Its Best - Engin Kadaster

10:30am – 11:15pm
General Session

11:30am – 1:30pm
Trade Show with Lunch

1:45pm – 3:45pm
Certification Sessions

Turkey, the Cradle of Civilization: A Walk Through 10,000 Years of History - Brought to you by the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism - Claudette Covey
A Turkish Culinary Adventure: History, Ingredients, & Tastes of Turkey's Exotic Cuisine - Brought to you by Tour de Forks - Engin Akin
Treasures of Southern Europe - Brought to you by The Travel Institute - Anna Fesmire, CTC, DS

4:00pm – 6:00pm
Certification Sessions

Cruising The Seven Things You Must Know About Mediterranean Cruising - Marc Mancini
TESTING: Treasures of Southern Europe - Brought to you by The Travel Institute - Anna Fesmire, CTC, DS
Discover How to Build a Thriving Faith-based Travel Program Centered on the World's Top Religious Sites in the Middle East and Holy Land - Moderator: Kevin J. Wright

Puerto Rico - IDE 2011 Host Dinner

Thursday, April 22

All Day
Half/Full Day Sightseeing